Flex5 – Holistic Private Fitness & Wellness Studio Uptown Charlotte

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6 Truths about Strength Training


Think you are too old or weak to join a strength training program? Well, think again. Strength training is just what you need to fight loss of body mass, strength and muscle that comes with age. No matter how old or young you are, it is time to commit to a healthy fitness program. But first, here are 6 truths about why we all need strength training: 

1. Keeps You in Shape 

Strength training is an effective means of increasing your metabolic rate, which will aid the body in burning more calories throughout the day. It also increases lean muscle mass and boosts overall strength, so you have more energy to work out longer.  

2.  Decreases Risk of Sustaining an Injury 

Our muscles do more than just contribute to body mass. In addition, well maintained and balanced muscles reduce the risk of injuries that may occur when a muscle is weaker than its opposing muscle group and strength training helps combat just that.  

3.  Increases Bone Density  

As you grow older, inactivity can lead to your bones decreasing in density, becoming more brittle. Weaker bones further contribute to diseases like osteoporosis that increase the risk of injuries. Regular strength training not only increases bone density but also prevents osteoporosis so you can spend your senior years having as much fun as you want.  

4.  Helps You Look And Feel Great 

Admit it, there is nothing more satisfying in the world than the feeling you get after a great workout! Stronger muscles and having more strength impact your posture and overall muscle tone, which means you look leaner, taller and more attractive. All these things combine to give you the perfect boost of confidence and higher self-esteem. In addition, strength training will help you age more gracefully.  

5.  Shows Speedy Results 

Need an incentive to join our strength training program? Perhaps, this will work. Unlike other forms of exercise, strength training has positive effects on your health, body and mind, all in a matter of days, all the more reason for you to take out more time to work out.    

6. Positive Mindset Is Important 

Regardless of the training program or exercise routine you opt for, the most important thing of all is to have belief. Absolutely nothing else comes close. Even an average program can work wonders for your mind, body and health if you put your all into it.  

Want to begin strength training but don't know where to start?   Come see us for your complimentary first session today! The Flex 5 family can have you on the path to health and wellness in no time.

Visit our website to schedule your session at www.flex5clt.com or call 980-819-1329. We look forward to seeing you!