Why Long Workouts Waste Time

The most common suggestion given to those wanting to lose weight is that they should run, swim, or bike. Most of these activities require time beyond the means of many busy individuals. Fortunately, studies show that high-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short, provides the equivalent maximum benefits of a long cardio workout. HIIT requires 30 minutes or less a day to complete and is one of many offerings at #Flex5 designed to fit to the needs of the individual. For more information on HIIT, check out the article below. #BeTheChange

All-Inclusive Holistic Fitness & Wellness Center in Uptown Charlotte.
Address :
428 E 4th Street, Suite 333, Charlottel, NC 28202 Email : href="mailto:info@flex5clt.com">info@flex5clt.com