Workout Motivation

Workout Motivation

You've become determined to finally buckle down and achieve those fitness goals that you've fantasized about for so long but need some workout motivation.

Training Basics: Lifting Smarter Not Heavier

Training Basics: Lifting Smarter Not Heavier

When it comes to weight training: lifting lighter weights with perfect form will make a huge difference in your workout...

Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Getting started on a life changing exercise regimen to achieve your fitness goals can be a daunting tasks.

Eating Healthy vs. Eating Lean

Eating Healthy vs. Eating Lean

Flex5 owner and a Certified PT Petro Martynyuk gives us the skinny on eating healthy vs. eating leaner.

All-Inclusive Holistic Fitness & Wellness Center in Uptown Charlotte.
Address :
428 E 4th Street, Suite 333, Charlottel, NC 28202 Email : href="">