
6 Truths about Strength Training

6 Truths about Strength Training

Think you are too old or weak to join a strength training program? Well, think again. Strength training is just what you need to fight loss of body mass, strength and muscle that comes with age. No matter how old or young you are, it is time to commit to a healthy fitness program. commit to a healthy fitness program. But first, here are 6 truths about why we all need strength training:

10 Reasons why investing in a personal trainer can change your fitness journey

10 Reasons why investing in a personal trainer can change your fitness journey

Flex5 Coach Petro shares 10 Reasons Why Investing In a Personal Trainer could well be the best fitness decision you ever make. Find out why!

7 Ways to Super Charge Your Metabolism and Shred Fat

7 Ways to Super Charge Your Metabolism and Shred Fat

Flex5 Coach Petro shares 7 key hacks that YOU NEED TO MAKE TODAY in order to super charge your metabolism, shred fat and get to your goal weight faster!

Personal Trainer 101

Personal Trainer 101

How do you choose the right personal trainer? Here are 10 tips for finding a trainer who is worth your hard-earned money...

Flex5 Is Bringing Back Say I Do Boot Camp Series for Season 5!

Flex5 Is Bringing Back Say I Do Boot Camp Series for Season 5!

Season 5 of Say I Do Beach Body Boot Camp Series is designed to challenge your mind, body and spirit and get you back in shape for the summer! Begins 3/29.

The World's Coolest Sport

Sports are a big part of life. With football season just ending and track season starting soon. But there’s one summer sport that has been growing in recent years. It is also arguably one of the most amazing sports ever created. It’s called Kitesurfing and it mixes surfing with hang gliding to create some astonishingly-high air. Check out these kitesurfers in action! #Flex5

Kitesurfing is an awesome new sport

This sport is part surfing, part hang gliding

Posted by NowThis on Friday, February 12, 2016

Ways You're Sabotaging Your Fitness

At #Flex5, We believe fitness is a Lifestyle. That means providing a framework of strength, nutrition, flexibility, meditation, and athletic conditioning services that are personalized to you, in order to achieve your peak performance. This article touches on several areas that affect one's fitness - from mindset to the company one keeps. #BeTheChange #FitnessLifestyle

Workout Motivation

Workout Motivation

You've become determined to finally buckle down and achieve those fitness goals that you've fantasized about for so long but need some workout motivation.

Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Getting started on a life changing exercise regimen to achieve your fitness goals can be a daunting tasks.

All-Inclusive Holistic Fitness & Wellness Center in Uptown Charlotte.
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428 E 4th Street, Suite 333, Charlottel, NC 28202 Email : href="">