
Overweight? Here's Another Reason to Workout.

In recent years the idea that it's possible to be fit while also being overweight has become increasingly common. However, studies have shown it to be quite the opposite. In fact, the claims from a new study suggest that those who are of normal weight and do not exercise at all are at a 30 percent lower risk of death than those who are overweight and workout daily. While that may be discouraging for those who are trying to lose weight, with exercise, dieting, and dedication, anyone can achieve a healthy body weight and lifestyle. #BeTheChange #Flex5

Tired During Workouts? - Here's Why.

It's normal to be tired after your workout, but is it normal to be tired during your workout? If you are tired during your workouts, there are many factors that could be affecting your energy levels, but most likely it's your diet! Without proper nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and magnesium, your body cannot properly create, store, or burn energy, making you sluggish throughout your day and your workout. Checkout the article below for the full benefits each nutrient has on your body! #Flex5 #Whole9 #BeTheChange

Ways You're Sabotaging Your Fitness

At #Flex5, We believe fitness is a Lifestyle. That means providing a framework of strength, nutrition, flexibility, meditation, and athletic conditioning services that are personalized to you, in order to achieve your peak performance. This article touches on several areas that affect one's fitness - from mindset to the company one keeps. #BeTheChange #FitnessLifestyle

Staying Fit and Healthy On The Road

Staying Fit and Healthy On The Road

Staying fit and healthy while traveling for business presents us with many challenges; learn a few tricks to help you avoid putting on those extra pounds!

Workout Motivation

Workout Motivation

You've become determined to finally buckle down and achieve those fitness goals that you've fantasized about for so long but need some workout motivation.

Training Basics: Lifting Smarter Not Heavier

Training Basics: Lifting Smarter Not Heavier

When it comes to weight training: lifting lighter weights with perfect form will make a huge difference in your workout...

Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Getting started on a life changing exercise regimen to achieve your fitness goals can be a daunting tasks.

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